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Mental Health in Colorado

According to the Denver Post, it states, "We really are in a behavioral health crisis in our state."

Each year in Colorado, about 260,000 adults and children need treatment for the most severe mental illnesses—schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression and serious emotional disturbances. Yet tens of thousands go without care; nationally, only about a third of people who need treatment get it.

Colorado is paying millions of dollars to treat people with severe mental illness after their disease has escalated to the point of catastrophe instead of investing more in care when it strikes. Of the $887 million spent in Colorado on mental health in 2010 from all sources, half went to treatment of needy patients in clinics and state psychiatric hospitals. The rest was spent in prisons, jails, hospital emergency rooms and psychiatric units, and the child welfare system.

The problem isn’t as simple as limited government resources. Hospitals get more money from insurance companies by fixing physical conditions rather than mental ones, and they refer to their psychiatric units—if they have them—as charitable operations.

The fallout from this shortage in care is severe: suicides, mass shootings, a huge population of prisoners, the homeless on the streets.

“It’s the only condition for which we wait until stage 4  to try to treat,” said Moe Keller, a former state senator and now vice president of public policy for Mental Health America of Colorado. “We wouldn’t do this with cancer. If someone went to their doctor with a tumor, they wouldn’t say wait until stage 4. But they do it with mental health.”

Families struggle to find help before it’s too late, navigating a confusing health system with too few options and battling a Colorado law they say is so weak that they can’t make treatment decisions when their loved ones are too sick to realize they need help.

Attempts to strengthen that law have failed, even after violent events in Colorado have raised alarms over failures of the country’s mental health system. And even as Colorado’s suicide rate has risen to the sixth highest in the nation.

The state ranks near the bottom in per-capita psychiatric treatment beds reported by hospitals, and in the bottom half in per-capita state and federal spending on mental health.


Past Event

Mental Health is Wealth:

Community Forum

Saturday – June 22, 2019 from 12:00pm to 3:00pm.


The Urbanites of the Peak Peak Region

506 E. Moreno Ave,

Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903

This was the 1st Another Life Foundation (ALIFEF) Community Forum of the year!

This FREE Mental Health is Wealth event focused on:

 Mental Health Care Resources


Mental Wellness Strategies.


At this community forum, you heard from mental health providers, policy makers, and mental health advocates who provided ideas that helped increase access to mental health resources across Colorado. And they offered proven strategies to achieving mental wellness, thus promoting "Mental Health is Wealth."

  • Colorado Mental Health Policymaker,

ALLISON NESWOOD, is from Colorado Center on Law and Policy. Allison will speak about the creation of a statewide program that helps individuals with severe disabilities navigate the process of applying for federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).

  • Colorado Criminal Justice Planner for El Paso County,

DR. ALEXIS HARPER, is a Doctor of Criminology who graduated from The University of Texas in Dallas. She is now the Criminal Justice Planner for El Paso County. She helps oversee the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council of the Pikes Peak Region. Which reviews criminal justice matters and makes recommendations to the El Paso County Board of Commissioners. And criminal justice agencies to promote positive changes that achieve and sustain a more effective and equitable criminal justice system.

  • Mental Health Care Professional,

AYONNA MCCULLOUGH,  is a licensed professional with over 5 years of experience working as a mental health counselor. She is also the owner of Monet's Counseling Services. They offer individual therapy services for families and couples.  There are also counseling services available to domestic violence victims and family members, with a specialty in diverse and ethnic populations. 

  • Mental Health Care Professional,

AUTHOR JACKIE STUCKEY, is a mental health professional and author of  "Restoring the Southpaw: Abused, Stalked, Restored."  Jackie will reveal  how she came back from the brink of desperation. And renewed her strength and reclaimed a positive productive life beyond her wildest dreams. 

  • Mental Health Care Professional,

TORY LYNN WHITE,  is a Registered Psychotherapist, with over 7 years experience working in the mental health field. She is also the owner of Creative Pathways Counseling in Colorado Springs. She specializes in women issues, teen girl issues, families, couples and workplace relationships.

  • Mental Health Advocate,

KRISTEN MAYNARD, is a mental health and mental wellness advocate, and she  has a Master's degree in public speaking. Kristin will speak about her struggles and triumphs over mental illness. And the urgency of achieving mental wellness.

  • ​Mental Health Care Professional,

MELVIN GRIER, is a mental health professional in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with over 40  years of experience in the mental health field.

  • Mental Health Advocates,

NICOLE AND DES LORENZANA, both ladies are mental health advocates. And they will be sharing their personal stories about their struggles with addiction. And how they recovered and are now proud owners of the business Blue Sass.

  • Mental Health Advocate,

JUANITA WHITAKER, is a mental health and mental wellness advocate. Juanita will speak about her past when she served jail time. And to now, where she has achieved a PhD in family services.​

  • Mental Health Advocate,

FRANK SINCLAIR, is a mental health advocate and he is also the owner and host of Dream Again LLC. Frank will share his struggles, and offer inspiration and wellness to all.


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Colorado Springs, CO. 80915

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