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The Black Men's Project 2020

Another Life Foundation is dedicated to helping those battling with mental illness and suicidal behaviors.


According to a Psychology Today article it writes, "Numerous researchers have recently stated that there is a silent crisis in men’s mental health. This is based on robust evidence that men have high rates of various mental health issues. These include elevated rates of suicide and substance abuse, as well as low rates of mental health service use. Sadly, male gender often intersects with other variables to produce even higher rates in some sub-groups. Men make up over 75 percent of suicide victims in the United States, with one man killing himself every 20 minutes."


A report from the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) reports that "Although Black suicide rates are lower than the overall U.S. rates, suicide affects Black youth at a much higher rate than Black adults. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among Blacks ages 15-24. Since the Black community in the United States is disproportionately young, the number of deaths among youth may have a particularly strong impact on the Black community."


According the October 2019 edition of the Pediatric Journal, "across all sex, race and ethnic groups there were significant decreases in suicide attempts, except for African-Americans. Researchers found that reported suicide attempts by African-American teens increased, specifically among Black adolescent boys."


  • Our goal is to educate men and boys of color in the community about the importance of mental  health and wellness.

  • Our vision is a world without stigma, and greater opportunities to achieve mental wellness.

  • Our focus is on using a culturally competent approach and involving diverse community leaders to communicate  the importance of mental wellness in the Black/African American community.

  • Our mission is to build a culture of mental wellness among men and boys of color through promoting advocacy, also building and organizing a movement.


Another Life Foundation presents

"The Black Men's Project"  

The  Black Men's Project is focused on communicating the importance of mental health/wellness in the community. This will be done by presenting virtual wellness summits. Black men who are community leaders share their inspirational stories, experiences, coping skills, workable strategies, encouragement to seek help, and resources for achieving mental health/wellness.

Those in attendance can participate in the conversations and ask questions and get feedback from the speakers.

The knowledge learned at these community events:

  • aims to increase awareness of the importance of mental health/wellness.


Past Event






































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Tel. 719-216-7238

5050 Edison Ave, Suite 217 
Colorado Springs, CO. 80915

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