Anti-Bullying Campaign
Another Life Foundation (Alifef) is dedicated to helping those battling with mental illness and suicidal behaviors.
In 2018, our services has expanded to include children suffering from bullying. Our anti-bullying campaign focuses on prevention of bullycide. Our organization provides public speakers, public awareness campaigns, education, and advocacy to communities, after school programs and schools.
October is National Bullying Prevention Month
Our Campaigns and Initiatives
This year in October, Alifef will collaborate with schools and after school programs in Colorado Springs, Colorado, to observe the National Bullying Prevention Month. Observed since 2006, communities nationwide focus on educating and raising awareness for bullying prevention.
Alifef will petition the state of Colorado for a proclamation. To observe the month of October, as the National Bullying Prevention Month.
Alifef will host a book display at a local Colorado Springs, Colorado library, for the month of October. The display will feature positive image children's books.
Help promote awareness by sharing our hashtags on your social media accounts. Use #tolivewithnotsufferfrommentalillness, #mentalhealthiswealth, and #alifef.
Looking for volunteer public speakers to visit schools, after school programs, community centers, and community programs.
Contact us to get details:
Tel. 719-216-7238
5050 Edison Ave, Suite 217
Colorado Springs, CO. 80915